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User rights


Administrator can:

  • add / withdraw and adjust his own user right or that of other users
  • adjust his own or other users’ daily and monthly payment limits
  • conclude and amend deposit agreements
  • amend credit card agreements
  • view and/or sign e-documents on the company’s behalf
  • set the scope of the right to make payments from accounts (in per cent)

Administrator cannot:

  • grant administrator right to another user
  • change the four-eyes principle (if any), which requires  two administrators to approve changes to user rights on the Internet Bank
  • change a company’s maximum daily limit, which can be set and changed only by a company’s general manager

How to set / change the rights on IB

Administrator right to a user without such right can be granted only by a company’s general manager upon adjusting the Internet Bank agreements at bank's sub-branch

How to add a user to a company’s account on the Internet Bank

  1. Log in to your company’s Internet Bank
  2. On the menu bar click “Settings”.
  3. In column “Settings” select “User rights and limits”.
  4. To add an additional user, click “Include additional user”.

How to remove a user linked to your company’s Internet Bank

  1. Log in to your company’s Internet Bank.
  2. On the menu bar click “Settings”.
  3. In column “Settings” select “User rights and limits”.
  4. In the user list click the user whose rights you want to change.
  5. In the window that will open click “Remove user”.

Other right granting methods

Assigned by organisation’s general manager at the time of concluding an agreement at the bank's sub-branch.

User with shared right can*

  • view information on issued credits and leasing services
  • view information of signed trade finance applications and submit new applications
  • order SMS service
  • enter, change contact details

* Some actions may require additional rights.

How to grant/withdraw the user’s shared right on the Internet Bank:

To change this particular right requires the administrator right

  1. Log in to your company’s Internet Bank.
  2. On the  menu bar click “Settings”.
  3. In column “Settings” select “User rights and limits”.
  4. In the user list click the user whose rights you want to change.
  5. In the window that will open click “Change user rights”.
  6. The right granted to a user is ticked off. Add/remove tick-off which grants the “Shared right”.
  7. Click “Continue”.
  8. Check the data and approve the new settings using your log-in tool (Smart-ID, Mobile-ID or digipass).

Other right granting methods

Assigned by organisation’s general manager at the time of concluding an agreement at the bank's sub-branch

  1. Right to view account balance

  2. Right to view all credited amounts

  3. Right to view all debited amounts

  4. Right to view account-related services

    Holders of this particular right can view the following account-related services:

  • e-bills and periodic payments information
  • debit card agreements
  • information  on deposits
  • SMS service agreements
  • Payment by card statements
  • Information on other account-related services

Order/change account-related services

Holders of this particular right can order and/or change account-related services, i.e.

  • order e-bills and automated e-bill payment
  • conclude / terminate debit card agreements, including card blocking
  • conclude deposit agreements
  • conclude periodic payment agreements
  • order SMS service
  • conclude other account-related services agreements

Make money transfer

This particular right allows to transfer funds to accounts within Lithuania and in foreign countries and execute currency exchange transactions.

For users with this particular right, daily and monthly money transfer limits apply. Please note that

  • Temporary limits may be set: the administrator will be able to temporarily increase or decrease a daily and/or monthly limit, set its validity period

How to grant/withdraw account-related rights granted to the user:

  1. Log in to your company’s Internet Bank.
  2. On the menu bar click “Settings”.
  3. In column “Settings” select “User rights and limits”.
  4. In the user list click the user whose rights you want to change.
  5. In the window that will open click “Change user rights”.
  6. The rights granted to a user are ticked off. Remove /add tick-off mark at the rights you want to change.

Each account may be assigned different rights. About daily, monthly and temporary payment limits please read here.
If you want to grant a user the full rights to manage all the accounts, click “Granting full rights”. To withdraw the full rights, click “Withdrawal of full rights”.

  1. Click “Continue”.
  2. Check the data and approve the new settings using your log-in tool (Smart-ID, Mobile-ID or digipass).