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Smart and convenient way to investing reliably


1 Eur

Minimum sum needed 

3390 Eur

The usual size of investor’s portfolio in SEB


Of all investors in SEB who have invested in SEB funds

Investment ABC

If you are new to investing, it could be difficult to understand all the details. So, we created a short guide which will help you to find out more information.

  • Guide on how to get started
  • Ideas on what to look for when choosing where to invest
  • Differences between investing products

If you are new to investing, it could be difficult to understand all the details. So, we created a short guide which will help you to find out more information.

Investing in funds, ETFs, bonds or stocks

Investment funds

  • Preferred for long-term investments
  • Start from just 1 euro
  • Wide selection – various strategy, geography, stock, bond and technology funds

ETFs (Exchange-traded funds)

  • Possibility to trade in securities on various global markets
  • Lower costs and charges than investment funds
  • With this instrument you can quickly respond to market changes, i.e., buy or sell the units when the time or trends are right.

Bonds, debt securities

  • Predictable level of earnings
  • You can sell bonds before their maturity date
  • Fluctuations of the return on investments are lower in comparison to the investment funds


  • Intended for experienced investors
  • Ability to invest directly in various companies
  • You can buy the stocks of the Baltic as well as overseas’ companies on many major stock exchanges

Not sure how to start? Our consultants can help

  • You can consult online via video meeting
  • Review of your financial situation
  • We will recommend solutions based on your situation and needs

Apply for consultation

When providing investment services, we always comply with Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) and other regulatory requirements.


Learn more

  • Investor protection measures required by MiFID and other regulatory requirements
  • Transparency of financial markets
  • Your investments are kept separated from the bank’s balance sheet which means they are protected from bank’s creditors

You need a securities account to invest

  • It is used to hold securities and engage in securities transactions
  • Transfer to or receive securities from third parties, i.e., to or from other individuals or companies
  • An opportunity to buy and sell by using the Internet Bank
  • No fees for opening the securities account in the Internet Bank