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Discretionary portfolio management service


If  you choose discretionary portfolio management service, your funds will be invested into securities portfolio designed by our investment professionals, constructed using the cost-efficient and diversified exchange traded funds (ETFs) available on the market.

Robo-Advisor will guide you and select a suitable portfolio, based on your objectives, preferences, and financial situation. Please make sure to provide us with an accurate and up-to-date information about your investment preferences and finances, also known as the investor data, in a timely manner, as your responses are the basis for selecting the right portfolio for you.

For more information on reassessment of suitability of the portfolio, please read below.

You can set up a regular investment schedule, make one-off investment, or withdraw part or all of your investments using SEB mobile application in your phone.   

We believe that investing is a long-term exercise. You should not be investing any money that you may need in a short period of time, or even next year. The longer you can keep your investments, the lower possible investment risk may be expected. The higher expected return corresponds to higher risk to lose investment or part of it. 

Selling your investments prematurely or on short notice increases the risk of an investment loss. Therefore, please make sure you always have adequate additional savings in case of unexpected life events.

Key features of Robo-Advisory portfolios

  • Investment risk is diversified by using broad asset class and geography index ETFs.
  • Investment portfolios will be periodically reviewed and rebalanced to maintain the selected risk level for each customer.
  • Invest from as little as 10 Eur into portfolio which might include up to 10 ETFs.
  • Pricing tailored for frequent small investments: only portfolio management fee applies (see pricelist), no brokerage fees, no trading or portfolio rebalancing fees. 
  • ETF ongoing fee is charged by the fund management company and reflected in the ETF unit price.
  • Our portfolios do not distribute dividends.
  • Robo advisor portfolios invest only in the ETFs that invest in companies which have taken responsibility for implementing ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance-related) requirements.
  • Trade orders are executed on Tuesdays. In some exceptional cases, i.e. holidays on Tuesday in specific countries or markets where trades are executed, market disruptions or other unforeseen circumstances, trade orders might be initiated in the next possible trading day or the following Tuesday. Trade settlements require an additional 2 business days, therefore in case of withdrawal of the funds from investment portfolio account the transfer of money to your account usually might take up to 8 business days (in exceptional cases – up to 14 business days) after the submission of your withdrawal request.

Reassessment of portfolio suitability

Update your investor data regularly 

  • Our aim is to assess the suitability of your  portfolio regularly. Therefore, we kindly ask you to update the investor data you provide us with at least once a year, or immediately in case of material change in your investor data, so that we can reassess if the portfolio is still suitable to you.  
  • Investor data can be easily updated on SEB mobile app, under the section “Investment”.  
  •  We manage your portfolio based on the latest investor data provided and confirmed by you for the particular portfolio. These data might be outdated and lead to incorrect reassessment result, therefore updating of your investor data is very important.  
  • In case you do not update your investor data for 5 years, we will have to terminate the agreement and sell the securities in the portfolio, as it will not be possible to verify whether the portfolio is still suitable to you. 

Result of reassessment

  • After you update your investor data, based on it, we will reassess if the portfolio is still suitable to you or require changes.  
  • In case the existing portfolio is not suitable to you anymore, we will inform you about required changes, and will ask you to confirm them by signing a new Portfolio composition document via SEB mobile app. You will have 21 days to accept the required changes. 
  • In case you do not confirm the required portfolio changes, we will terminate the agreement and sell the securities in the portfolio, as it will not be suitable to you anymore.  
  • If you confirm the required changes, we will take care of all necessary transactions to ensure that your current portfolio assets and future regular investments (if any) are updated accordingly. 


Conservative strategy

A low-risk portfolio. Value of your portfolio can fluctuate by 7.91% per annum1. According to the strategy your portfolio will be invested within following ranges: 

  • 19 - 25% in equities of companies registered in the EU, the US and Asia
  • 75 - 81% of your portfolio will be comprised of the EU, the US, emerging markets’ bonds issued by the governments and corporations

Example of costs and charges related to this portfolio 

Balance strategy

A medium-risk portfolio. Value of your portfolio can fluctuate by 14.03% per annum1. According to the strategy your portfolio will be invested within following ranges:

  • 42 - 50% in equities of companies registered in the EU, the US and Asia
  • 50 - 58% of your portfolio will be comprised of the EU, the US, emerging markets’ bonds issued by the governments and corporations

Example of costs and charges related to this portfolio 

Growth strategy

A medium-risk portfolio. Value of your portfolio can fluctuate by 19.08% per annum1. According to the strategy your portfolio will be invested within following ranges:

  • 65 - 75% in equities of companies registered in the EU, the US and Asia
  • 25 - 35% of your portfolio will be comprised of the EU, the US, emerging markets’ bonds issued by the governments and corporations

Example of costs and charges related to this portfolio 

Maximum Growth strategy

A high-risk portfolio. Value of your portfolio can fluctuate by 25.60% per annum1. You will be investing:

  • 100% into equities of the companies registered in the USA, the EU and Asia

Example of costs and charges related to this portfolio 

1Calculated as value-at-risk, with 95% statistical confidence, based on 10 years of historical data.